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EST 2002
Training Aircrafts
Robinson R22
2 seater
145 break horse power derated
1370 lb maximum gross weight
Fuel 100LL
4 cylinders
Maximum speed 102 knots
Robinson R44
4 seater
260 break horse power
2400 lb maximum gross weight
Fuel 100LL
6 cylinders
Maximum speed 130 knots
Introductory Flight
Take an introductory helicopter lesson to see the potential you have for flying career. Take the introductory flight today and propel your new career to the next level.
・ $505 per person (approximately 75 minutes)
・ $375 per person (approximately 60 minutes)
・ $325 per person (approximately 45 minutes)
・ $265 per person (approximately 30 minutes)
・ $190 per person (approximately 15 minutes)
FAA自家用操縦士免許 (FAA Private Pilot Certificate Course)
* 費用: $32,748.00
* 所要期間:全日コースは約3カ月
* A private pilot license allows you to fly a helicopter an carry passengers and baggage, although not for compensation or hire. Operating expenses may be shared with other passengers
FAA事業用操縦士免許 (FAA Commercial Pilot Certificate Course)
* 費用 $35,093.18
* 所要期間:全日コースは3カ月
* A commercial helicopter pilot license allows you to fly a helicopter and carry passengers and baggage for compensation or hire.
FAA操縦士教育証明免許コース (FAA Certified Flight Instructor Course)
* 費用 $15,818.18 (2 to 3 months for full-time students)
* 所要期間2カ月
* A certified flight instructor license allows you to teach flying in a helicopter.
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